South Carolina Ballet is celebrating the 34th year of its highly acclaimed Educational Outreach & Engagement Series.
When you’re mapping your curriculum for the 2024-2025 school year, consider including our unique educational programs in your science, math, and language arts planning. Jack Frost and Goldilocks & The Three B’s: Bach, Beethoven & Beyonce meet the intent of the Profile of the South Carolina Graduate SC-, College and Career Ready Academic Standards, and SC Ready.
Additionally, these extended opportunities incorporate the interrelated nature of the elements of STEAM (Science, Technolo- gy, Engineering, the Arts, Math). Performances last approximately one hour and include a Q&A session. Productions are narrated providing students a clear understanding of the story and allow- ing them to fully appreciate the professional dancers of South Carolina Ballet and its high artistic and production standards.
Winter Production
Jack Frost
Sumter, SC
Lakewood High School
• Fri, Nov 22nd, 9:30 am
$6 per seat (groups of 10 or more)
$8 per seat (groups less than 10)
Winter Production
Jack Frost
Columbia, SC
Koger Center For The Arts
• Thur, Dec 12th, 9:30 am *Limited Tix Available
• Fri, Dec 13th, 9:30 am *Limited Tix Available
• Fri, Dec 13th, 11:15 am
$6 per seat (groups of 10 or more)
$8 per seat (groups less than 10)
Winter Production
Jack Frost
Florence, SC
FMU Performing Arts Center
• Thur, Dec 19th, 10:00 am
$6 per seat (groups of 10 or more)
$8 per seat (groups less than 10)
Spring Production
Goldilocks & The Three B’s: Bach, Beethoven & Beyonce
Columbia, SC
Koger Center For The Arts
• Fri, Feb 7th, 9:30 am
• Fri, Feb 7th, 11:15 am
$6 per seat (groups of 10 or more)
$8 per seat (groups less than 10)
Fill out the online registration form and make the necessary payment.